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Solidarity Economics, Mutual Aid, Asset Based Community Development, Organizing, Propaganda, Resistance to Racism, Fascism and Oppression, Theories of Direct Action, Community Defense and Self-Defense

Direct Action: Welcome


Black intersectional feminism and decolonization aren’t optional stances. Together they address the complexities of systemic ableism, sexism, and racism, anti-Indigeneity, imperialism, colonialism, poverty, class, land, property, prison abolition, cultural theft, exploitation and capitalism, providing a map to areas of need and a course of action respectively. Informing and informed by the principles of Anarchy, the centering of these struggles in tangible ways should form the core of our focus and efforts.

A.I.D. (Anarchism/Intersectionality/Decolonization) Feedback Loop

1. Anarchism-this is the first filter we will apply to a set of conditions in order to arrive at a course of action. Anarchism is now understood to encompass all anti-racist, anti-authoritarian, anti-state, anti oppression etc struggles but the core tenets of anarchism (anti authoritarianism, anti statism, horizontalism, decentralization, mutual aid) are presented in a uniformly colorblind, universalist manner. Universalism as conceived by those locked within the white identity construct can never truly be universal, and it could be argued that the urge to universalize phenomena is itself a protective mechanism of the white identity construct. In any event, anarchism gives us the rough blueprint for the outcome we want and pitfalls to steer clear of. Anarchism is the ideal. Next, we have to compare the ideal to what we actually see. To do this we need a tool with which to analyze the material conditions more closely. That tool is Intersectionality.

2. Intersectionality- Our second filter is intersectional analysis. Intersectionality/Black feminist identity politics grew out of a desire to reconcile Marxism with the unique experiences of Black women. Like old school anarchism, Marxism provided a rough blueprint for the structures of class struggle under simpler conditions; the most oppressed were in the position to see that it needed a serious upgrade.

Intersectionality is a microscope. It allows us to analyze any given situation on structural, multidimensional level and steer to the locus of the most compounded oppressions. In this way, we can attack the monster closer to the source and through the perspectives and leadership of the intersectionally oppressed, especially Black women, provide adequate aid to the largest swath of people, starting with those who need it most. Intersectional analysis is indispensable in conflict resolution, resource allocation, navigating interpersonal relationships, and representation to name just a few areas of applicability. It should be apparent that while intersectional analysis certainly chips away at the colorblind flatness of barebones anarchist and Marxist doctrine, anarchist and Marxist analysis are better for it.

Now that we’ve analyzed the conditions through an intersectional lens, we must decide on a course of action. That course of action is the path of Decolonization. Decolonization is Anarkata praxis.

3. Decolonization- Decolonization is our third analytical filter, our praxis, and our immediate material goal all in one. Through analysis of the material conditions, we have seen that the only remedy is complete abolition of the existing structures of oppression. We have seen that the relationship between oppressor and oppressed and the planet is intolerable, untenable, irreconcilable, and unreformable and to make room for the world we want to see, the dream of a world which isn’t built on our oppression, we have to sweep away the old one. This is the meaning of decolonization. Decolonization isn’t a return; we can never return. What’s left is to take what is ours now and build the world we want to live in now. We do this by any means necessary. We refuse to perform for the white gaze or provide more free labor to oppressors. We learn our history. The validity of the white identity construct (the “norm”) is called into question, ridiculed and mocked. Our own identities are celebrated in their multiplicity. All accepted norms are questioned and placed in a decolonization context. These are decolonizing imperatives that arise from the ontological needs of the oppressed. Decolonization isn’t a polite or abstract process; to the oppressor, it’s rude, inopportune, adversarial,contrary, mean, emotional, unintelligible, etc. To the oppressed every drop of scorn heaped on the oppressor in our name is a show of love. Decolonization demands fearlessness beneath the white gaze. Decolonization is a constant practice, requiring a radical posture. Full Decolonization is militant, often bloody. Like anarchism, true Decolonization implies an end to all oppression through the destruction of unjust hierarchies, only without the abstract detachment.

By now, our filters have skewed the picture of our utopian city on the hill. The edges are blurrier, the walls have revealed some cracks. The world we wish existed is far in the distance. The real world has thrown us a few curveballs in addition to capitalism and simple exploitation (racism, sexism, ableism, racial power dynamics, etc) to contend with, things we have to attack structurally as well before we can begin to have the world we want. Different times, places, and populations have different material conditions and we need to meet people where they are and work with the tools that are at our disposal.

We de-universalize Anarchism when we Decolonize Anarchism.


“Decolonization never takes place unnoticed, for it focuses on and fundamentally alters being, and transforms the spectator crushed to a nonessential state into a privileged actor, captured in a virtually grandiose fashion by the spotlight of History. It infuses a new rhythm, specific to a new generation of (human), with a new language and a new humanity. Decolonization is truly the creation of new (humans). But such a creation cannot be attributed to a supernatural power: The “thing” colonized becomes a (human) through the very process of liberation”-

Frantz Fanon


Ain’t I A Woman, Sojourner Truth

The Woman’s Role in the Community of Slaves, Angela Davis

The Combahee River Collective Statement

Structural Intersectionality, Kimberle Crenshaw

A Marxist Case for Intersectionality


The ABCs of Decolonization

The Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon

Burn Down the American Plantation, RAM


Direct Action: Video


Direct Action: Welcome


Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) is a strategy for sustainable community driven development. Beyond the mobilization of a particular community, ABCD is concerned with how to link micro-assets to the macro-environment. The appeal of ABCD lies in its premise that communities can drive the development process themselves by identifying and mobilizing existing, but often unrecognized assets, and thereby responding to and creating local economic opportunity.

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Statement From Ferguson Political Prisoner Josh Williams

January 29, 2020 by Ready for Revolution  

This is my speech to all my people in the fight, so sit back and listen: I say to the people in the fight all around the world, fighting against slavery, fighting against racism, fighting against the system. I say to you, don’t get tired, keep fighting be strong, because one thing about us: we are stronger then racism. We are stronger than the police who’s trying to kill us off, but one thing about that is when the police kill a black man or woman or a white man or woman, another one is born, stronger than the last one. People of the nation, I speak to you in peace, I speak to you in love. People of the world, I speak to you and I say to you: I’m here with you, fighting alongside of you, because there are many fights you can be fighting for. Cancer, suicide prevention, bullying, voter oppression, whatever it is, I say to you: stay strong, don’t give up, I know you tired, I am too. But the moment we give up America is the moment we give up our lives because we gave up the fight. But I say to the police of every department there is, and say there is a Storm brewing. The longer y’all kill people in get away with it, the hotter the pot gonna get. Now police, if y’all trying to talk peace, it’s too late. I speak for the families that can’t see their child anymore because your trigger happy finger took them off the earth. I speak for Michael Brown’s mom when she was crying her fucking soul out right next to me in Canfield Apartment while she was forced to see her fucking son dead on that ground not for one minute or ten minutes but four fucking hours. This is the type of shit I’m talking about, people of the world, this is the shit I’m fighting for: Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Danye Jones, Darren Seal, and so much more. And to all of you who fight with me, I say: let’s go all the way, let’s overthrow this corrupt system and police our own self. Now, if you reading this at this moment no matter where you at this is our creed say it out loud and declare with me, you ready? Here we go: IT IS OUR DUTY TO FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM IT IS OUR DUTY TO WIN WE MUST LOVE AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER WE HAVE NOTING TO LOSE BUT OUR CHAINS. If you read that and meant it you ready. I will tell you guys there is no finish line for me, I will fight for everybody till there is no blood left in my body and till I breath my last breath I will be on the front lines fight against the police. Who’s with me? Love you guys.

Joshua Williams


Missouri Eastern Correctional Center 18701 Old Highway 66, Pacific, MO 63069

Direct Action: Bio


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We're raising money to purchase water quality testing and water quality education kits to use in at-home lessons about science!  We're a group of homeschool families seeking  to enhance ecological literacy for our children as inner city, often African American youth.  We really hope to bring the joy of experimentation and environmental stewardship to our formal/informal education experience. Please support our fundraising initiative. The amount will allow us to purchase up to five kits for use by five inner-city home schooling families. We really appreciate any help as we endeavor to give our children unique and important opportunities to learn more about their planet.



This is the SQuAD Solidarity fund. SQuAd is an autonomous Blaqueer rapid response network operating in NYC. All proceeds from this fund will be delivered directly to SQuAD for the procurement of much needed physical supplies.



The “Black August Solidarity Fund” is a new initiative by the Afrofuturist Abolitionists of the Americas that aims to raise mutual aid funds to redistribute in support of our incarcerated Black kin, especially our Black QTGNC siblings. Our vision is that, throughout the year, but especially during the August abolitionist commemorative tradition, the most marginal of Black folx are not forgotten as we concentrate our efforts around those struggling against enkkkosures.

Direct Action: Services
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