Anarkata: A Self-Directed Interactive Workshop is a nomadic, anarchic, reflective, self-guided multimedia installation and exploration of Black Liberation in theory and practice, and the Black Radical Tradition through improvisation, technology, words, images, sound, and action. We want a chill, cafe style immersive experience that is as accessible and comfortable as possible. Sometimes, radical activities make people feel like they have to be super well-read or super talkative to thrive, but this aint that. It's a Kritical Kickback, so we're prioritizing those who want to engage at their own pace in as many available ways as possible.
Clicking on any image on this site will direct the user to further sources of information in a variety of media. Please feel free to wander and explore both the physical space around you and/or this portal and the larger virtual space as you please, making your own connections and conclusions along way.
In addition to functioning as a non-hierarchical Black Radical exploratory and educational space, this physical space is intended to function as a temporary community computer lab; check your email, print some pics or articles, etc. but please be mindful of fellow participants. If you require assistance, have a question, or a suggestion, please don’t hesitate to ask a facilitator, or send the workshop a message via this portal’s chat function, or via Facebook at this portal’s companion group, Anarkata: A Self-Directed Interactive Workshop.